Bi-Annual, Indexed, Double Blind, Peer-Reviewed Research Scholarly Online Journal In Field of Homoeopathy.

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

E-ISSN: 2583-2158

Bi-Annual, Indexed, Double Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Research Scholarly Online Journal in Field of Homoeopathy


KNOW Homoeopathy Journal believes in bringing certain reforms in the present homoeopathic education system by publishing brilliant submission of brilliant minds. The journal believes that every issue  or aspect of the homoeopathy is very important. Therefore, it does not Emphasize on a particular theme of homoeopathy. Contributor can submit their submissions on any theme related to the field of homoeopathy.


Papers submitted to KNOW Homoeopathy Journal for publication must be plagiarism free. The Journal uses software to detect plagiarism. But however it is the duty of the contributors to ensure the originality. The journal shall not be liable for copyright issues and for any plagiarism.


  • In case, if the journal receives more than one paper on a similar topic then preference will be given to the best content and the other paper whose content is not better will be rejected and no excuse regarding the same will be entertained.
"KNOW Homoeopathy Journal" follows this pattern of evaluating the submissions.
  • The Journal follows a Double-Blind-Peer-Review Policy (It means that personal identities or details of the contributors remain undisclosed)
  • All the submissions received for publication in the journal have to go through a process which consists of checking of plagiarism, grammatical mistakes, footnote errors and compliance with publication policy or submission guidelines. But however it is the duty of author or authors to ensure that they have followed the Vancouver and their submissions are free from grammatical mistakes or free from other reasonable error.
  • If the submission passes the above mentioned process, then the journal forwards it to the concerned editorial board member or peer-reviewer.
  • The concerned editorial board member or peer reviewer examines the submissions very carefully. Board Member or peer reviewer reserves the right to reject the submission of author or authors.
  • If the editorial board member or peer reviewer thinks that the submission needs to be modified, then the concerned editorial board member or peer reviewer inserts his/her recommendations in the concerned submission in the form of comments.
  • Then the Journal communicates the changes recommended by the editorial board member or peer reviewer to the concerned contributor.
  • The contributor has to incorporate the recommended changes within 2 or 4 days and has to resubmit it by emailing at or through our official website.
  • After receiving the modified submission the publisher checks the submission. If the publisher thinks that the contributor has inserted all the changes recommended by the editorial board member or peer reviewer, then the publisher sends a mail to the contributor that your submission has been selected for publication. But however, if the publisher thinks that the contributor has not incorporated all the recommended changes, than the publisher provides another opportunity to the contributor to incorporate the recommended changes within 2 days otherwise the submission will be rejected.

Bi-Annual, Indexed, Double Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Research Scholarly Online Journal in Field of Homoeopathy