Bi-Annual, Indexed, Double Blind, Peer-Reviewed Research Scholarly Online Journal In Field of Homoeopathy.

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

E-ISSN: 2583-2158

Bi-Annual, Indexed, Double Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Research Scholarly Online Journal in Field of Homoeopathy 

KNOW Homoeopathy Journal's Withdrawal Policy basically describes that under what circumstances author(s) may withdraw the paper prior to its publication in the KNOW Homoeopathy Journal.

I/We hereby declare that the current paper (short article ,article, unpublished article, research paper, case comment and book review) has not been submitted or is not under consideration for publication in any other medium whether online or offline. As per policy paper once submitted can not be withdrawn due to any reason whatsoever.

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You can withdraw it only if you do not get any response from our side as soon as possible.

Bi-Annual, Indexed, Double Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Research Scholarly Online Journal in Field of Homoeopathy