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Implications Of Physiological Action Of Calendula Officianalis to Understand Its Guiding Symptoms

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

Volume-1 | Issue-1 | October-2021

Title: Implications of Physiological Action of Calendula Officinalis to Understand Its Guiding Symptoms

Authored By: Dr. Komal Prajapat& Co-Authored By: Dr. Karanpreet Nahar2
1. PG Scholar, National Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, UttarPradesh, India.
2. Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-1, Dr DP Rastogi Central Research Institute of   Homoeopathy, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh, India.


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Dr. Komal Prajapat & Dr. Karanpreet Nahar, Implications Of Physiological Action Of Calendula Officinalis to Understand Its Guiding Symptoms, Vol.1 & Issue 1, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, Pages 38 to 41 ( 19 October 2021), available at

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

Volume-1 | Issue-1 | October-2021

Calendula officinalis(Calendula), belonging to the family of Asteraceae commonly known as Pot-marigold is used as sudorific, blood refiner, blood suger reducer, and also used as anti-inflammatory.Currently, this plant is used in registered homeopathic drugs. Its more and orange kinds are favorable medicinally, since they contain a lot of effective components.

1.BACKGROUND-Calendula, often called Mary-bud or Pot-marigold, is one of the first flowers to be grown. The plant was originally documented in the third century BC, and it was a popular fixture in French gardens in the fifth century. The latin phrase for the first day of the month is calendae. The plant has been cultivated in England since the 1200s. One of the numerous traditional legends that enhance the history of this plant is about a lovely, golden-haired kid called Mary-gold who spent all of her time admiring the sun until one day she disappeared and was never recovered. In the area where she used to sit, a little sun-like flower bloomed. According to the child's friend, the small flower was really a Mary-gold that had been converted into a flower. By the 1800s, doctors had learned that using the plant as a poultice may stop bleeding. Around the period of the civil war, most physicians carried dried calendula petals in their medical kits.


With so many genuine applications, Calendula must have some distinct traditions, legends, and maybe magical qualities. If put beneath the bed, it was thought to protect the bearer from scorpion bites and the sleeper from thieves at night. Ancient cultures were aware of and used the medicinal properties of calendula. Calendula was recommended for treating digestive issues in some of the first medical journals. It was utilized to aid in the cleansing of the liver and gallbladder. Flowers were used to treat cuts and wounds to stop bleeding, prevent infection, and hasten healing.

2.1.SOURCE – Flower (Pot marigold as flowers used in catholic events)

The constituents included saponins, triterpenes, triterpendiol esters, flavonoids, steroids, tannin, quinines, coumarins, carotenoids, amino acids, polysaccharides, essential and volatile oils, and a variety of other chemical groups. 
The methanol extract of Calendula officianalis possesses antibacterial effects, while both the methanol and ethanol extracts have antifungal characteristics. 
Astringent is one of the most significant extracts, since it stimulates mucous membrane constriction or contraction, causing body tissues to shrink. It's used internally to reduce blood serum and mucus production discharge. Flowers also contain an n-hexanic, ethanolic, aqueous extract that assists in the formation of granulation tissue. Flavonoids are a group of polyphenolic compounds found in plants with a benzo—pyrone structure that exhibit a variety of biological actions, including antiatherogenic, antioxidant, vasodilator, antihypertensive, and antiplatelet characteristics, particularly in the cardiovascular system. Coumarin is an anti-inflammatory compound used to treat edema. Protein and oedema fluid are removed from damaged tissue via increasing phagocytosis, enzyme production, and, as a result, proteolysis. 
The triterpendiol ester possesses anti-oedematous characteristics in wound therapy, while saponins have anti-inflammatory activities.

The flower is widely used as a medical plant because of its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory characteristics, which make it an effective therapeutic ingredient.
·         Calendula is largely regarded as a wound healer because of its calming propertiesCalendula petals are a must-have in every medical cabinet because, despite being a delicate plant, they have extraordinarily potent healing qualities. Among other wounds, it may aid with bug bites, bruises, blisters, cuts, and cold sores. 
·         Assists with Digestive and Immune System-Calendula has been shown to boost the immune system's capacity to fight illness. Calendula's antibacterial capabilities are most likely to blame, since it slows or kills illness to prevent it from spreading. It may be able to assist you get rid of that persistent cough or congestion due to its antibacterial properties.
·         Hydrates and Nourishes Dry Skin-Calendula is a flower that may be used to cure a range of skin problems that cause dry, itchy, or irritated skin by increasing the production of collagen, a protein that is essential for healthy skin.
·         Slows Development of Wrinkles-Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components found in calendula have been demonstrated to protect human skin cells from oxidative damage. 
·         Reducing Scarring-Calendula promotes blood flow to the region, supporting a speedy and healthy infection-free healing process as well as the formation of healthy new tissue.

·         According to Dr William boericke;
A most remarkable healing agent,applied locally.Useful for open wounds,parts that will not heal,ulcers,etc.Promotes healthy granulations and rapid healing by first intention. Constitutional tendency to erysipelas.Superficial burns and scald.

·         According to C.M Boger in A Synoptic key to the materia medica;
Excessively painful, open,torn,cut,lacerated,ragged,or suppurating wounds.Prevents pus.Hemorrhages ,in scalp wounds or after drawing teeth ,etc.

·         According to N.M Choudhuri in A Study on materia medica;
It restores the vitality of  injured parts ,and acts as an impregnable barrier to infection and germs.It prevents suppurations where suppuration should be prevented, and it brings on healing with wonderful promitude.It is suitable to all the cases of injury where the skin is broken and where the soft parts have been lacerated.After surgical operations,it promotes healthy granulation and arrests gangrene.It can be used both inernally and externally ,and it is an excellent hemostatic.

·         According to E.A Farrington in Clinical materia medica;
Calendula is to be thought of when the injury causes a torn or ragged wound ,possibly with loss of substance .Calendula removes the inflammatory condition of the part ,and so permits of healthy granulations.

1.      Pot marigold (Calendula officinalis) medicinal usage and ....
2.      Calendula Benefits & How to Use This All-Purpose Plant ....

1.      -David S. Riley, Materia medica of new and old homoepathic medicines,Pg 51-53.
2.      –Joy lucas,Homoeopathy for everyone,Marygold is wounded calendula officianalis.Accessed on 17 april,2004.
3.      -Concise materia medica by S.R Pathak, published in 1977.
4.      -Vrish Dhwaj Ashwlayan, SK Gupta, Therapeutic Potential of Calendula officinalis,pharmacy and pharmacology international
5.      -Gokhan zengin,Chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils from Calendula officinalis L. flowers and leaves,Flovour and fragnance journal.

KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

Volume-1 | Issue-1 | October-2021

Cite this Article as:
Dr. Komal Prajapat & Dr. Karanpreet Nahar, Implications Of Physiological Action Of Calendula Officinalis to Understand Its Guiding Symptoms, Vol.1 & Issue 1, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, Pages 38 to 41 ( 19 October 2021), available at

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