KNOW Homoeopathy Journal
Volume-1 | Issue-1 | October-2021
Title: Ricinus Communis: As a Homoeopathic Remedy
KNOW Homoeopathy Journal
Volume-1 | Issue-1 | October-2021
Ricinus Communis have been used traditionally
from a long time in cases of dyspepsia, constipation and arthralgia. Many other
remedies from vegetable kingdom proves beneficial in various aspects as per
Homoeopathic principles likewise Ricinus Communis do. The potentized form may
prove extremely useful by-passing the side effects produced by it in its crude
KEYWORDS: Ricinus Communis, Castor Oil, Arand, Homoeopathy.
Ricinus Communis belongs to family Euphorbiaceae. Ricinus Communis is commonly known as ‘Oleum Ricini’, ‘Plasma Christi’ or ‘Castor Oil’ and in Hindi is known as ‘Arand’, mainly found in East India. The Preparation is made from Castor oil which is expressed from the seed.[1] Tincture is prepared with hot alcohol and water or trituration of fresh seeds and also Tincture of fresh plant.[2]
Active Alkaloid: The seeds contain an Alkaloid named “Ricinine”
[which is soluble in water and alcohol] and acids named Ricinic acid, Elaiodic
acid, and Margaristic acid [which are acrid and soluble in alcohol]. Also contains
a volatile principle, which passes off by heat, and while bruising or
triturating the seeds. The method of making the oil by decoction, doubtless
extracts the alkaloid, which is probably the most virulent quality which causes
a large portion of the choleraic symptoms. The acids are expressed with the
oil, and assist in evolving severe symptoms.[3]
Physiological Dosage: Of the oil for an adult, as an enema, 1 to
11/2 fluid ounces.[1]
Pharmalogical Activity: The plants carries
various antioxidant activity, antinociceptive acrtivity, anti- inflammatory
activity, anti- histaminic activity, anti- microbial activity, anti- asthmatic
activity, heparo- protective activity.[4]
Physiological Action: This agent acts as a cathartic, anti-purgatives. Acts as a galactagogue. Vomiting and purging. Languor and weakness.[5]
Head: Vertigo, occipital
pain, congestive symptoms, buzzing in ears.[2,5] He
cannot go into open air, as the brain seems exhausted and easily overpowered.
Face: Face pale, twitching
of mouth.[5]
Mouth: Mouth dry.[5]
Tongue coated white; and dry; furred.[2]
Stomach: Anorexia with great
thirst, burning in stomach, Pyrosis, nausea & profuse vomiting, pit of
stomach sensitive.[2,5] Sensation as if a bar were laid over his
stomach, with profound anguish.(bar
lays across the chest; Haematoxylon Campechianum) Vomiting profuse; with
burning in gullet. Vomiting fluid lightly coloured with bile, and containing
some glairy filaments.[2]
Abdomen: Rumbling with contraction of recti muscles, colic, incessant
diarrhoea with purging.[5] Duodenal catarrh (Berberis, China Officinalis., Hydrastis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Podophyllum)
Epigastrium very sensitive, pains radiate from navel and hypochondria to
epigastrium, not aggravate or ameliorate by light or strong pressure. At the
same time he felt a sensation of violent constriction in intestines.[2]
Stool: Loose, incessant,
painless, with painful cramps in muscles of extremities. Anus inflamed. Rice
water stools (Agaricus, Phos, Jatropha
curcas) with cramps and chilliness.[5] Diarrhoea became
colliquative, stools like cholera-stools.[2]
Urine: Complete anuria. A
small quantity of dark, thick urine was passed, and was found to be highly
Female Reproductive
System: Effacacious in suppression of milk with amenorrhea. Also increases the quality of
milk in nursing women with commencement of menstrual flow (Alfalfa, Agnus castus, Asafoetida, Puls).[5]
thick, swell, with swelling of axillary glands and pains running down arms.
Thin discharge from breasts becomes milky. Brings milk in breasts of virgins and
women who have not suckled for years.[2]
Respiratory: Voice altered &
Back: Pains in the
back like after-pains.[2]
Limbs: Gangrene of one foot
necessitates amputation. [2]
Generalities: Anaemia. Profound
adynamia. Collapse. Convulsions. Muscular contractions. Very painful cramps in
trunk and limbs. [2]
Skin: Pronounced jaundice;
skin saffron yellow. Pruriginous eruptions, or redness and itching, at wrists
and bends of knees.[2]
Dose: Third potency &
Ricinus Q [Five drops every four hours for increasing flow of milk; also
locally a poultice of the leaves].[5]
* A study conducted by
CCRH for Assessing the therapeutic usefulness of Ricinus Communis: A multicentric
observational clinical verification study indicates about the left sided
affinity, aggravation from sun, amelioration in open air, dryness of mucous
membranes of GIT, dissatisfaction leading to irritability & anger, along
with usefulness in relieving headache, acne, apthae, coryza, gastritis,
diarrhoea and constipation.[6]
CONCLUSION: In the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, there are
various lesser known Indian drugs which possess tremendous therapeutic
properties, Racinis is one of them. In crude form, it is a powerful poison
which may prove fatal. But with Homoeopathy, The inherit properties of this
drug will be enhanced. But there is need to make further researches for the
lesser known drugs to be more clinically verified.
1. BLACKWOOD AL. A Manual of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and
Pharmacology [Monograph Online]. Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel; 1906. [Cited
on 2021 July 10]. Available from:
2. Clark JH. The
Dictionary of practical Materia Medica. Volume 1, 2 and 3.
New Delhi: B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2005.
3. Hale EM. The Special Therapeutics of the New Remedies
[Monograph Online]. Philadelphia: FE Boericke; 1880. [Cited on 2021 July 10]. Available
4. Jena
J, Gupta AK. Ricinus Communis Linn: A Phytopharmacological review.
International Journal of Pharmacy & pharmaceutical Sciences. 2012 July;
4(4): 25-29.
5. Boericke
OE. Boericke’s New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory. 3rd
revised & augmented edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 2018.
6. Chakraborty
PS et al. Assessing the therapeutic usefulness of Ricinus Communis: A multicentric
observational clinical verification study. India J Res Homoeopathy. 2014; 8(4):
KNOW Homoeopathy Journal
Volume-1 | Issue-1 | October-2021