Bi-Annual, Indexed, Double Blind, Peer-Reviewed Research Scholarly Online Journal In Field of Homoeopathy.

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Bronchial Asthma and Homoeopathy

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

E-ISSN: 2583-2158

Bi-Annual, Indexed, Double Blind, Peer-Reviewed, Research Scholarly Online Journal in Field of Homoeopathy

KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–2 & Issue-1, 15 March 2022, Published at, Pages: 67 to 78, Title: : Bronchial Asthma & Homoeopathy, Authored By: Dr. Mansi Srivastava  (BHMS,MD,PhD. Scholar, Assiatant Professor (FMT),Chandola Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital,Rudrapur,Uttrakhand,India.)


Dr. Mansi Srivastava

BHMS, MD, PhD. (Scholar)

Assistant Professor (FMT), Chandola Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Rudrapur, Uttrakhand, India

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Dr. Mansi Srivastava, Bronchial Asthma And Homoeopathy, Vol.2 & Issue 1, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, Pages 67 to 78 ( 15 March 2022), available at





Asthma is a prevalent condition that affects people all over the world[1], with significant ethnic and geographical differences. Asthma has been linked to an increase in morbidity and death, as well as a health-care burden. In 2019, asthma affected an estimated [2] 262 million individuals, resulting in 461000 fatalities. The most frequent chronic condition among children is asthma. Asthma symptoms may be reduced by avoiding asthma triggers. The majority of asthma-related fatalities occur in low- and lower-middle-income nations, where diagnosis and treatment are difficult to come by.


Bronchial asthma, Allopathy, Homoeopathy, Therapeutics, Constitution.


Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition of the airways that produces coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness in periodic "attacks." Mast cells, Eosinophils, and T lymphocytes are all linked to asthma. Mast cells are allergy-causing cells that produce histamine and other substances. In a cold or hay fever, histamine produces nasal stuffiness and leaking, constriction of airways in asthma, and itching regions in a skin allergy. Eosinophils are a kind of white blood cell that has been linked to allergic reactions. T lymphocytes are another kind of white blood cell linked to allergies and inflammation.

It is an illness that affects every society on the earth. Asthma is a lung disease that affects the bronchial passages. Symptoms include spasmodic bouts of breathlessness, a sense of suffocation, and chest tightness, as well as paroxysms of polyphonic wheezing, dyspnoea, and cough. This ailment has been known to humans from the dawn of time. In fact, Hippocrates, the founder of Greek medicine, invented the term asthma. Asthma is derived from a 'Greek' term that means brief panting or difficult breathing. It has been documented in Egyptian and Hebrew manuscripts. For therapy, a henbane extract was burned on a brick and the fumes were breathed.

It is an inflammatory disease of the small airways characterized by episodic reversible bronchial obstruction caused by the tracheobronchial tree's hyper-responsiveness to a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic stimuli, manifested clinically by paroxysms of polyphonic wheeze, dyspnoea, and cough that may be relieved spontaneously or as a result of therapy.


Extrinsic Asthma:  Childhood is the time of onset. It happens in atopic people who produce large amounts of IgE antibodies in reaction to allergens. A skin sensitivity test may be used to identify atopic patients. A cellular infiltration high in eosinophils characterizes an asthmatic inflammatory response.

Intrinsic Asthma: It can begin at any age especially infiltrate rich in eosinophils.


-          Cold air

-          Tobacco smoke

-          Dust , acrid fumes

-          Emotional stress

-          Respiratory infections (viral , bacterial)

-          Exercises

-          Drugs : NSAIDS&BETA BLOCKERS

-          Chemicals –sulfating agents like Na or K bisulfite , sulphur dioxide , etc.

-          Allergens

o   ingested(fish, nuts, strawberries)

o   inhaled(dust , pollen , house mite)

o   food additives(tartrazine , metabisulfite preservatives)

o   occupational allergens ( grain – dust , wood-dust)

Clinical Features: 

Shortness of breath, chest tightness, wheezing, and coughing are all symptoms of bronchial asthma. Coughing creates sputum, which is usually difficult to bring up and has a pus-like consistency owing to high amounts of eosinophils. Due to intensive activity or chilly air, the signs and symptoms intensify more in the early morning and at night. Some people with bronchial asthma have sporadic symptoms, generally in reaction to triggers, whereas others have more severe and chronic signs and symptoms.


Bronchial asthma is an inflammation of the airways that causes the surrounding smooth muscles to become more elastic. This causes a constriction of the respiratory airway and wheezing symptoms. With or without therapy, constriction of the respiratory track is frequently reversible. The airways themselves might alter at any moment. The lamina reticularis thickens and the number of eosinophils increases in the respiratory tract airways. The smooth muscle of the airways may grow in size with time, as well as the amount of mucous glands. Other cells implicated include neutrophils, macrophages, and T-lymphocytes, as well as immune system components such as histamine, leukotrienes, cytokines, and chemokines.


There is currently no definitive diagnostic test, and diagnosis is typically made based on the pattern of signs and symptoms, as well as the patient's response to treatment over time. If you have a history of coughing, trouble breathing, or recurrent wheezing, it's likely you have bronchial asthma. These symptoms may be started or worsened by virus illnesses, hard activity, allergies, or pollution. Spirometry may be used to confirm a diagnosis of bronchial asthma. Because they are too young for spirometry, diagnosing asthma in children under the age of five is more challenging. Aside from this, a chest x-ray, peak expiratory flow (PEF), and a pulmonary function test are also recommended (PFT).

Differential Diagnosis

·         Chronic Bronchitis

·         Emphysema

·         Vocal Cord Dysfunction

·         Viral Bronchiolitis

·         Bronchial Stenosis

·         Foreign Body Aspiration

·         Cardiac Failure

·         Pulmonary Embolism

Homoeopathic approach to prophylaxis: 

Homeopathy is a medical science based on the law of "Similia Similibus Curanter." It is an individualistic science in which prescriptions are made based on the totality of symptoms. The traditional homeopathic approach to Bronchial Asthma management is constitutional, taking into account the patient's physical symptoms as well as their mental and genetic makeup, which uniquely defines them. When a physician receives a large number of prominent, uncommon, peculiar, and characteristic symptoms, including general symptoms (physical, mental, and pathological) and specific symptoms after taking a case. Early intervention with Homeopathy can help prevent further progression and cure bronchial Asthma when used in conjunction with proper management.

Homeopathic therapeutics are used to treat asthma cases with a lack of prominent uncommon peculiar general and particular symptoms but an abundance of clinical symptoms.

A prospective observational longitudinal study on the effects of individualised homeopathic medicines were assessed in 30 children with asthma as an adjunct to conventional treatment was published in Homoepathy journal[4] on Oct 2012 by a group of researchers in Bronchial Asthma. The most common single polycrest medicines used in this study were Arsenic alb., Baryta carb., Calc. phos., Cuprum met., Hyos. Etc. There were clinically relevant and statistically significant changes in those measuring severity. Many renowned homeopaths, including Dr. Roger Schmidt, Dr. Hering, Dr. Nash, and others, have recommended Ipecacuanha as a good remedy for treating Bronchial Asthma.

Homeopathic medicines of bronchial asthma: 

There are several homeopathic remedies for asthma symptoms, and it would be impossible to mention them all here. Ars-alb, ipecac, lachesis, pulsatilla, spongia, sulphur, ignatia, antim-tart, hepar-sulph, nat-sulph, tuberculinum, and other popular medications[5] include ars-alb, ipecac, lachesis, pulsatilla, spongia, sulphur, ignatia, anti The drug that is chosen differs from patient to patient.

1. Ipecac [Ip]: This medicine is a homoeopathic similimum to asthma, particularly the spasmodic form, which produces significant weight and anxiety in the chest; abrupt wheezing, dyspnea, threatening suffocation, increased by movements; cough causes nausea and vomiting. The cough is continuous, the chest seems to be full with phlegm but no expectorated phlegm, and the extremities are drenched in cold sweat.

The breathing is quite tough, and moving around helps. A discomfort spreading from one temple to the next around the forehead, as well as a pain in the back at the last dorsal vertebra, are also important indicators. In asthma, arsenicum is comparable to Ipecac, and episodes that occur after midnight need the administration of this medication. Expiration is particularly difficult with Ipecac, and vomiting, if it happens, is likely to ease the attack.

2.  Arsenicum [Ars]: Arsenicum is identical to Ipecac in appearance, but its assaults occur soon after midnight. The patient is in considerable pain and restless, and he is afraid of suffocating if he lies down. Anxiety and sweating are there, and if the patient falls asleep, he is woken by burning pain and discomfort in the chest. It is particularly effective if the condition is persistent, the dyspnoea is frequent and dry, and the patient is elderly.

It has respiratory and stertorous breathing problems. Arsenicum asthma is characterized by extreme debility and chest burning, and it responds favorably to Ipecac. It is particularly beneficial in anemic people.

3.  Nux vomica [Nux.v]: Nux vomica is an effective therapy for asthmatic episodes caused by gastrointestinal disturbances; simple spasmodic asthma; some relief may be obtained by belching, but the patient must loosen his or her garments. It should also be considered in people who consume a lot of coffee or alcohol. The drug also corresponds to irritable bilious temperaments. A tight feeling in the bottom portion of the chest is an excellent Nux sign.

4.  Kali bichromicum []: The potashes cause asthma, and with Kali bichromicum, the attacks begin at 3 or 4 a.m., forcing the patient to sit up to breathe; he sits up and leans forward, which relieves some of the symptoms, as does the expectoration of stringy yellow mucus, which is distinctive of the medicine. Except for the sticky mucus, it's quite similar to Arsenicum. Kali carbonicum makes asthma worse in the morning, leaving you feeling as if you don't have any air in your lungs. Kali phosphoricum has been used effectively in the treatment of asthma, particularly nervous asthma.

5.  Natrum sulphuricum [Nat. S.]: This treatment has a track record of healing asthma. When the weather changes from dry to wet, the symptoms get worse. It was a hydrogenoid remedy by Grauvogl. It manifests itself as wet asthma with a lot of rattling in the chest. The symptom of loose bowels after each incident has been confirmed several times; in one instance, the patient was made worse by aerated fluids and alcohol. The attacks usually start about 4 to 5 a.m., with coughing and glairy slime production; expectoration is greenish and voluminous. Natrum sulphuricum is one of the therapies for hay fever asthma. Another distinguishing symptom of Natrum sulphuricum is that the patient must sit up and grasp his or her chest with his or her hands throughout the attack.

6.   Antimonium tartaricum [Ant.T.]: It is a medicine used mostly by the allopathic school in the treatment of asthma, and it is homoeopathic in certain situations. The appearance of tiny mucous rales throughout the chest, finer and smaller than those seen with Ipecac, is the remedy's main feature. This cure causes the chest to fill up with phlegm and the inability to expectorate it. There is severe dyspnea, the patient must sit up, and suffocative episodes begin at three o'clock in the morning, as with the potash preparation (which includes potash). Expiratory effort is quite tough, just as it is with Ipecac.

Antimonium tartaricum is well suited to life's extremes, such as asthmatic episodes in the elderly and dyspnoea in young children owing to pulmonary diseases. The remedy is characterized by the sense that the patient isn't getting enough air.

7.  Moschus [Mosch]: Anxiety, panic, and a suffocating sense are all present. It's best for those with a sensitive, structured, anxious temperament; neurotic types who have a lot of worry and tension. Ambra grisea is a kind of ambra. Fear of others and a strong desire to be alone Silphium lancinatum is a species of Silphium. Dr.A.F. Schulz, a highly cautious prescriber in Fort Wayne, Indiana, uses this medicine extremely well in wet asthma with expectoration of enormous volumes of stringy mucus; fast exhausted. It's either light or yellow in hue. Horses may be healed of heaves by eating Silphium leaves, according to Hale. It is suggested that you should use a 2x trituration method.

8. Blatta Orientalis Q: It is a great asthma treatment[6]. Lower potencies (Q and 3x) work better in acute situations, while greater potencies are required in chronic illnesses. 200-1000. It's much worse when it's raining. Coughing up a lot of pus-like mucous. When you detect a difference, you may stop taking the drug.

9.  Passiflora Incarnate Q: During attack of asthma a teaspoonful of water containing 10 drops Passiflora Q.

10.  Aspidosperma Q: A tonic for lungs. Removes temporary obstruction of oxidation of blood by stimulating respiratory centers. Give a few drop doses till the feeling, “want of breath” is over.

11.  Grindelia Rob. Q: Suffocation as a result of laying in bed. An efficient treatment for wheezing and breathing difficulties. Mucus is a frothy substance that is difficult to remove. When laying down, unable to breathe. To breathe,had to sit up.

12.  Senega Q:  In elderly persons who have asthma and must sit up in bed. Dyspnea. With a lot of rattling and wheezing, there's a lot of mucus. 7–10 drops in a spoonful of water per hour until you feel better. Cough often in a spoonful full of water every hour till alleviated. Talking hurts, so cough often until you feel better..

13.  Thymi Glandulae Ext Q: A good treatment for children's respiratory infections. Only a little amount of sputum is expectorated in dry, anxious asthma with strong spasms.

Bronchial asthma and repertory: Some of the rubric BRONCHIAL ASTHMA is mentioned in Boericke repertory[7] (clinical repertory) under chapter RESPIRATORY SYSTEM as


• ASTHMA--Acon., Alumen, Ambros., Amyl, Ant. ars.,Ant t., Apis,Aral.,Ars., Ars. iod., Atrop.,Bac., Bell.,Blatta orient., Brom., Bry., Cinch., Coff.,Carbo v., Chin. ars., Chlorum, Cic.,Coca., Cocaine,Crot. t.,Cupr. ac., Cupr. ars.,Dros., Dulc., Egg Vaccine, Glon.,Grind., Hep.,Hydroc. ac., Illic., Iod.,Ipec.,Kali bich.,Kali c., Kali chlor.,Kali iod.,Kali n., Kali p., Lach., Led.,Lob. infl., Lyc., Magnolia., Meph., Morph., Naja,Naph.,Nat. s.,Nux v.,Passifl.,Pothos., Psor.,Ptel., Puls., Quebr., Sabad.,Samb., Sang., Scilla, Scrophul., Silph.,Stercul., Stram., Strych.,Sul., Syph., Tab., Tela ar.,Thuya, Tub., Ver. a., Ver v.,Viscum, Zinc. m.,Zing.



▪ Alternating with

• Eruptions-- Calad., Caust., Rhus t.,Sul.

Itching rash-- Calad.

Spasmodic vomiting- Cupr. m., Ipec.


▪ Anger [from]-- Cham., Nux v.

Cardiac(See Heart.)--Cact., Digitaline, Grind. sq., Stroph.

Epiglottis, spasm or weakness-- Med.

Eruptions, suppressed, [from]-- Ars., Hep., Psor.,Sul.

Foot sweat, suppressed [from]-- Ol. an.

Hay asthma(See Rhinitis - Nose.)-- Aral., Ars., Ars. iod., Chin. ars.,Ipec.,Lob. infl., Naph., Nat. s., Nux v.,Sabad., Sang., Sticta, Sul. iod.

Hebdomadal-- Cinch., Ign.

Humid-- Acon.,Ant. iod., Ars.,Bac., Bry.,Can. ind., Cochlear., Cupr.,Dulc., Eucal., Euphorb. pil., Grind., Hyper., Iod.,Kali bich.,Nat. s., Pulmo v., Sabal,Senega., Stann.,Sul., Thuya.

• children [in]--Nat. s., Samb., Thuya.

▪ Millar's(See Laryngismus Stridulus.)-- Arum drac.,Arundo., Coral., Cupr., Guarea, Hep., Ipec., Lach., Lob. infl., Mosch., Poth.,Samb.

Miner's-- Card. m., Nat. ars.

Nervous-- Acon., Ambra, Amyl,Asaf., Chin. s., Cina, Coff.,Cupr., Grind.,Hydroc. ac.,Ipec., Kali p., Lob. infl.,Mosch., Nux m.,Nux v., Sumb., Tela ar., Thymus,Val., Ver. a.

Periodical--Ars., Chin. ars.,Cinch., Ipec.

Preceded by

• Coryza-- Aral., Naja, Nux v.

Formication-- Cistus, Lob. infl.

Rose cold-- Sang.

▪ Recent, uncomplicated cases-- Hydroc. ac.

Sailors on shore-- Brom.

Senile cases-- Bar. m.

Tetter recedes with attack-- Sul.



▪ Bronchial catarrh [with](SeeHumid.)-- Acon.,Ant. t.,Ars., Blatta am.,Bry., Cupr. ac.,Eriod., Eucal.,Grind.,Ipec., Kali iod., Lob. infl., Nat. s., Oniscus, Sabal, Sul.

▪ Burning in throat and chest [with]-- Aral.

Constriction of throat [with]-- Cham., Dros.,Hydroc. ac., Lob. infl.,Mosch.

Cramp, muscular spasm of various parts [with]-- Cupr. m.

Cyanosis [with]-- Ars., Cupr., Samb.

Despondency, thinks he will die [with]--Ars., Psor.

Diarrhœa following [with]-- Nat. s.

Dysuria, nocturnal [with]-- Solid.

Every fresh cold [with]-- Nat. s.

Gastric derangement [with]-- Arg. n.,Bry., Carbo v., Ipec., Kali m.,Lob. infl., Lyc.,Nux v., Puls., Sang., Ver. v., Zing.

Gout, rheumatism [with]-- Led., Sul.,Viscum.

Hæmorrhoids [with]-- Juncus, Nux v.

Hydrothorax [with]-- Colch.

Insomnia [with]-- Chloral, Telea ar.

Nausea [with], cardiac weakness, vertigo, vomiting, weak

Stomach, cold knees-- Lob. infl.

Palpitation [with]-- Ars., Cact., Eucal., Puls.

Thirst, nausea, stitches, burning in chest [with]-- Kali n.

Urine supersaturated with solids [with]-- Nat. Nit.




• Sleep [After]-- Aral., Grind.,Lach., Samb.

Night [At], lying down--Aral., Ars., Cistus, Con.,,Grind., Lach., Merc. pr. rub., Naja, Puls.,Samb., Sul.

Weather [from]


◦ Cold, damp(See Humid.)-- Ars.,Dulc.,Nat. s.

Cold, dry-- Acon., Caust., Hep.

• Asleep, falling [from]-- Am. c.,Grind., Lac c.,Lach., rub., Op.

Food [from]-- Kali p.,Nux v., Puls.

Dust, inhaling [from]--Ipec c., Kali c., Pothos.

Odors [from]-- Sang.

Sitting up [from]-- Ferr. ac., Laur., Psor.

Talking [from]-- Dros., Meph.

A. M., early [in]-- Am. c., Ant. t., Ars., Grind., Kali bich.,Kali c., Nat. s., Nux v., Zing.

Spring [in]-- Aral.

Summer [in]-- Syph.



• Sea [At]-- Brom.

Bending forward, rocking [from]-- Kali c.

Eructation [from]--Carbo v., Nux v.

Expectoration [from]-- Aral.,Eriod., Grind., Hyper.,Ipec., Kali bich., Zinc. m.

Lying down [from], keeping arms spread apart-- Psor.


Lying on face [from], protruding tongue-- Med.

Motion [from]-- Ferr. m., Lob. infl.

Sitting up [from]-- Ars., Kali c., Merc. pr. rub., Nux v.,Puls.

◦ Head bent backward [with]- Hep.

• Stool [from]-- Pothos.

Vomiting [from]-- Cupr. m.

Damp weather [In]-- Caust., Hep.

Open air [In]-- Naph.


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2.      Available from: on 03/02/2022

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