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A case report: Homoeopathic management of uterine fibroid with renal calculus

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–2 & Issue-2, 18 October 2022, Published at, Pages: 114 to 123, Title: A case report: Homoeopathic management of uterine fibroid with renal calculus, Authored By: Dr. Ajay Vishwakarma (Dean Faculty of Homoeopathy, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Principal I/C, Associate Professor/ HOD, Department of Anatomy, Chandola Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Rudrapur, US Nagar, Uttarakhand)

Title: A case report: Homoeopathic management of uterine fibroid with renal calculus

Authored By:- Dr. Ajay Vishwakarma


Dean, Faculty of Homoeopathy, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.

(Principal I/C, Associate Professor/HOD,Department of Anatomy, Chandola Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Rudrapur , U S Nagar, Uttarakhand)

Received: 06/06/2022    Accepted: 28/06/2022       Published: 18/10/2022

© 2022 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

How to cite this article:

Vishwakarma A, A case report: Homoeopathic management of uterine fibroid with renal calculus. KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, 2022; 2(2):114-123, available at


“We are discussing here a case of 35 years female treated with individualised homoeopathic medicine. When the patient came for the consultation, she was presented with the complaint of pain in abdominal region for last 2 months associated with painful coition resulting in bleeding. She was diagnosed with the left renal calculi along with fibroid uterus evident from the USG reports. The case was repertorised after thorough case taking and according to the totality of symptoms characteristic symptoms of the patient using the Synthesis Repertory to select the similimum of the case, in which we got few remedies including Argentum nitricum, Belladona, Silicea, Lycopodium and Sulphur.”

Keywords: Renal calculi, Uterine fibroids, Leiomyoma, Argentum nitricum


Uterine fibroid are the most common benign tumours occurring mostly in the reproductive age, with incidence of fibroids during pregnancy varying from 1 to 3.9%. Fibroid affect pregnancy and delivery in several ways like recurrent abortions, preterm labour, mal presentation, red degeneration, difficult delivery, increase caesarean section rate, PPH, etc. Complication depends on size, location, and number of fibroids, ultra sound plays an important role in the diagnosis and for monitoring, both for fetal growth and myoma size, location and relation to placenta. The treatment of fibroids in pregnancy is usually conservative. Myomectomy during pregnancy is controversial. The surgical management of uterine leiomyoma during pregnancy may be performed successfully in carefully selected patients, which seems to imp [rove pregnancy outcome. Myomectomy during caesarean section is not always a hazardous procedure and can be performed without signifies complications by experience obstetricians. Leiomyomas are the most common benign tumour of the reproductive system. It is estimated that 22-25% of women more than 30 years of age developed uterine fibroids.[1]


This is a case of 35 years female came with the chief complaint of pain in abdomen in hypogastric and left lumbar region since 2 months with painful coition resulting in bleeding per vagina. Pain of abdomen is increased by pressure and walking and is better by urination. Mentally patient was very anxious and she have great desire for sweets.


§  Pain in Hypogastric region since 2 months

Character is of spasmodic type

Aggravated after coition

Associated complain – Bleeding per vagina

Character of bleeding is fresh bleeding

§  Pain in left lumbar region since 2 months

Character is of cutting and agonizing pain

Modalities: Aggravation by walking and standing

Amelioration by urination, rest


Patient was diagnosed with typhoid 4yrs back treated with allopathic treatment.


·         Appetite: Decreased (1 meal/day)

·         Thirst: Thirstless

·         Desire: Sweets

·         Aversion: Nothing significant

·         Intolerance: Sweets causes bloating

·         Bowel: Regular, Satisfactory

·         Bladder: Clear, satisfactory, frequent urging

·         Perspiration: Generalised, non-offensive, non-staining

·         Tongue: Cracked with red tip

·         Sleep: Refreshing

·         Dreams: of snakes


·         Anxiety

·         Hurried

·         Fear of closed places, public

·         Nervousness 


Uterine fibroid [2] with left renal calculus [3]


·         Pain in abdomen, agg by pressure and after coition

·         Pain in lumbar region, cutting type, agg. by walking and standing

·         Painful coition resulting in bleeding per vagina

·         Desire for sweets which aggravates

·         Dreams of snakes

·         Anxiety and hurriedness

·         Renal stones


-          Mind – Anxiety

-          Dreams – Snakes

-          Generals – Food and Drinks – sweets, desire

-          Generals- Food and Drinks- sweets, desire, aggravates; but

-          Female Genitalia/Sex- vaginismus- coition, painful

-          Kidneys- Stones

-          Stomach- pain


Case was repertorized using synthesis repertory ‘Repertorium Homoeopathicum Syntheticum’ written by Dr. Fredriek Schroyens.[4] The first prescription was Argentum nitricum 200 given in single dose after the reportorial result based upon the characteristic indications of the medicine. The next follow up was done after 15 days.

Fig 1: Repertorial Analysis[4]


                                                    Before Treatment                                                     

Fig 2: Ultrasonography of whole abdomen

Fig 3: Ultrasonography of whole abdomen : After Treatment


                     Table 1: Date-wise description of prescription





Patient 1st   visit

Argentum nitricum[5] 200 / 1 dose

(“The dose of medicine (of the first prescription) that acts without producing new troublesome symptoms in to be continued while gradually ascending, so long as the patient with general improvement, begins to feel in the mild degree the return to of one or several old original complaints”.) (Aph 248,280)[6]



Relief in painful coition



Slight Relief in abdominal pain

Argentum nitricum 200/ 1 dose

(According to Kent’s 11th observation reappearance of older symptoms and the improvement is standstill then the repetition of the remedy should be



Lumbar pain relieved



No new complain




In the above case of renal calculi and uterine fibroid, initially a medicine was selected based on the totality of symptoms and analysing the case of the patient according to the synthesis repertory. When patient came for consultation, she was presented with pain in abdomen in left lumbar and hypogastric region. After thorough case taking symptoms were aggregated to make the totality and the case was repertorized using synthesis repertory in which we got few homoeopathic medicines including Argentum nitricum[5], Belladona, Silicea, Lycopodium, Sulphur, etc., final selection of remedy is done by observing the mental generals, physical generals and particulars of the patient on the basis of individualisation. Argentum nitricum was the medicine selected and given in single dose on the first visit of patient. The patient was markedly improved on just a few repetitions on subsequent visits. There was immense improvement in pain in hypogastric and lumbar region which were chief complaints of the patient along with the associated symptom painful coition followed by bleeding per vagina.

The results of the case have re-established the strength of homoeopathic principles and its philosophy of gentle and speedy recovery in just one visit of the patient in a very few doses along with the concept of individualisation. Homoeopathic medicine selected on the basis of principles of homoeopathy has proved to be effective and shown marked improvement in this case of uterine fibroid with renal calculi along with the associated symptoms. Thus, the case has proved the holistic concept of homoeopathy along with individualisation.

The potency selection was done on the basis of susceptibility of the patient as stated by Dr Close[8]

1. The greater the characteristic symptoms of the drug in the case, the greater the susceptibility to the remedy and the higher the potency required.

2. Age: medium and higher potencies for children

3. Higher potencies for sensitive, intelligent persons.

4. Higher potencies for persons of intellectual or sedentary occupation and those exposed to excitement or to the continual influence of drugs.

5. In terminal conditions, even the crude drugs may be required. He also writes, “different potencies act differently in different cases and individuals at different times under different conditions. All may be needed. No one potency, high or low, will meet the requirement of all cases at all times.”

As the patient was young, the susceptibility was high but the disease was in organic stage and according to duration of disease moderate potency of 200 was selected for prescription.


1.      Thokchom, Somibala & Negi, Rizu.. Uterine fibroid. [Inetrnet] International Journal of Applied Research (2017). [Accessed on 25 May 2022] 3. 881-886.

2.      World Health Organisation (WHO), icd10data. com, 2022 ICD-10 -CM Diagnosis code [Internet], Geneva, Switzerland, World Health Organisation 1993;

3.      World Health Organisation (WHO), icd10data. com, 2022 ICD-10 -CM Diagnosis code [Internet], Geneva, Switzerland, World Health Organisation 1993;

4.      Schroyens F. Radar 10 Homoeopathic Repertory Software. CDROM. Available from:

5.      Boericke W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory. 9th Reprint ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers; 2007. p. 152-3.

6.      Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 6th ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers; 2002. p. 227-8

7.      Close Stuart M. The Genius of Homoeopathy: Lectures and Essays on homoeopathic philosophy. [Internet]. New York. Nanopathy, 1981. [Accessed on 26 May 2022].

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