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Autism spectrum disorder: Origin, evolution and management

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–3 & Issue-1, 15 March 2023, Published at, Pages: 17 to 22 , Title: Autism spectrum disorder: Origin, evolution and management, Authored By: Authored By: Dr. Prastuti Jaiswal (Assistant Professor, Department of Materia Medica, Dr. M. P. K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, A constituent of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.) & Co-Authored By: Dr. Sakshi Bhadana (PG Scholar - Department of Materia Medica, Dr. M. P. K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, A constituent of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.),  Dr. Surbhi (PG Scholar - Department of Materia Medica, Dr. M. P. K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, A constituent of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.)


Title: Autism spectrum disorder: Origin, Evolution and management

Authored By: Dr. Prastuti Jaiswal[1] & Co-Authored By: Dr. Sakshi Bhadana[2] Dr. Surbhi[3]

[1] Assistant Professor, Department of Materia Medica, Dr. M. P. K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, A constituent of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.


[2] PG Scholar- Department of Materia Medica, Dr. M. P. K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, A constituent of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.


[3] PG Scholar- Department of Materia Medica, Dr. M. P. K. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, A constituent of Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.


Received: 29/12/2022                        Accepted: 23/02/2023                                   Published: 15/03/2023         

  © 2023 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

How to cite this article:

Jaiswal P, Bhadana S, Surbhi, Autism spectrum disorder: Origin, evolution and management, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal,2023;3(1):17-22, available at


Autism Spectrum Disorder is an umbrella term which includes Classical Autism, Asperger syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Defined (PDD-NOS). Being a spectrum of disorder every patient shows a variety of symptoms, in this article, the risk factors precipitating Autism Spectrum Disorder, its common signs and symptoms, diagnostic criteria has been discussed. Homoeopathy being an individualistic science there is scope for improvement and benefit to the patient, however some frequently indicated Homoeopathic medicines and rubrics from modern repertories have been included in this article. After careful case-taking and constructing the totality of the patient, miasmatic background, all things considered, we must treat the person suffering, hence, Homoeopathy shows favourable results.

Keywords: Autsim, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Homoeopathy, Miasm



The term autism originates from a Greek word “autos” which means “self”.[1]

The term “Autism” was first coined by Eugen Bleuler, a German psychiatrist, in 1911 to indicate a symptom of an extreme form of schizophrenia, a notion also orchestrated by him. Bleular claimed that delusion and hallucination were key features of an autistic thought, which resulted from desire to eschew from harsh and saddening reality in a child. Autism was linked to subject’s emblematic “inner existence,” cryptic to spectators. From 1920 till 1950’s, psychiatrist used the term with this meaning, but in 1960’s many psychologist challenged Bleuler’s school of thought and devised various methods and epidemiological studies to validate child psychology as science. In 1970’s autism was understood as complete lack of an unconscious symbolic life.[2]

A series of complex neurodevelopmental illnesses known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are represented by poor social interaction and repetitive activities.[3]


The term "autism spectrum disorders" (ASDs)  is an umbrella term encompassing conditions like classical autism, Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise defined (PDD-NOS).[1]


1 in 59 kids are affected with ASD, which is around 4 times more common in boys than in girls. The pathophysiology of ASD is largely influenced by strong hereditary components as well as environmental variables throughout the early stages of development. Numerous studies have demonstrated that gene mutations.[4]

The etiology of autism is still uncertain, but few causes- internal and external are identified. MeCP2 mutations and impaired methylation have been linked to autism spectrum diseases. Autism has also been associated with cytochrome P450 gene polymorphisms, notably CYP27B1, which is necessary for the normal metabolism of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiencies or metabolic abnormalities have been linked to autism, which vital for neurodevelopment.

Other factors include

·         Epigenetics

·         Maternally generated antibodies

·         Maternal illness

·         Exposure to heavy metal

·         Folic acid supplements

·          Immunizations for measles, mumps, rubella.[5]


·         Maternal diabetes

·         Increased steroidogenic activity

·         Hazardous chemical exposure

·         Advanced maternal and paternal ages

·         Valproate use

·         Immunological activation

·         Altered zinc-copper cycles

·         Use of selective serotonin reuptake antidepressants [6]


DSM-5 Diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum disorder-

These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) or global developmental delay.[7]


Table 1- Domains of impairment [8]

a- loss in language or social skills or both

b- includes hypotonia, walking on toes, apraxia, gait complaints

c- diarrhoea, constipation, bloating or reflux for 6 months or more

d- presence of comorbidities like intellectual disability or cerebral palsy which increases the risk of epilepsy

e- mood disorder, ADHD, aggression, misconduct [8]



Every Autistic child must undergo medical examination which includes-

Physical examination

ENT screening

Chromosomal microassay- genetic screening [9]


Dr. Hahnemann experienced great success treating acute cases but he witnessed recurrence of symptoms in chronic cases. On careful observation and examination for 12 years he concluded that miasms are the fundamental cause of all disease with Psora- the hydra headed monster, being the base of all of chronic diseases.[10] The predominant miasm of Autism spectrum disorder is Syphilis.


According to Dr. H A Robert philosophy, the symptoms mentioned like fixed ideas, dull, unsocial, likes to be alone- yet desire to escape point towards Autism Spectrum Disorder.[11]

Miasmatic prescribing by Dr. Banerjea mentions the patients who don’t show interest in work due to lack of understanding and realization has syphilitic miasm at its base. They are perverted and destructive, may harm others and self.[12]


Some Homoeopathic medicines used in case of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Tuberculinum- Indifferent. Aversion to all kinds of endeavor, especially mental work. Sensitive to music. Does not want to be disturbed by people.[13]

Bufo rana- Weak memory, idiotic. Desire for solitude. Tendency to get angry with desire to bite.[14]

Lycopodium clavatum- obstinate, complete indifference. Aversion to speaking. Inability to express correctly, misplaced words, confused speech. Dullness.[15]

Agaricus muscaris- Aversion to talking. Indisposition to perform any kind of labour. Delirium, knows no one, throws things at nurse. Slow in learning to walk and talk.[16]

Medorrhinum- irritate at little things. Impatient. Selfhishness. Restless. Difficulty in concentrating this thoughts on abstract subjects.[17]

Tarentula- paroxysms of insanity, pulls her hair, presses her head; repeated after intermissions. Restless legs. Indifference, disgust and sadness from morning to 3 p.m.  wants to do things without light and does not want to be spoken to.[18]

Agraphis- mutinism of childhood unconnected with deafness.[19]


1.      Repertorium Homoeopathicum synthetic by Dr. Frederik Schroyens


Mind, autism-  agar, bar-c, bufo, cact, kali-br, lyco, olib-sac, secret, Tub [20]

Mind, monomania, in children- bufo [21]

Mind, ritualistic behavior- ars, bell-p, caust, cupr, iod, lyss, rat, rhus-t, ther, tub [22]

Mind, taciturn, children in- agra, aur [23]


2.      Homoeopathic Medical Repertory by Robin Murphy


Mind, autism, children- aeth, agra, anac, bar-c, bufo, carc, cann-I, hell, hyos, kali-br, lyc, med, merc, nat-m, op, starm, syph, thuj, tub [24]

Mind, autism, children, vaccination after- aeth, bar-c, bufo, carc, mercury, thuj [24]


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