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Scientific conduct – Author’s guide

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–3 & Issue-1, 15 March 2023, Published at, Pages: 4 to 5 , Title: Scientific conduct-Author’s guide, Authored By: Dr. Yogeshwari Gupta (Editor-in-chief-KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, Former Dean Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Principal-Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Centre, Sitapura, Jaipur.)


Scientific conduct – Author’s guide


Prof. Dr Yogeshwari Gupta
BHMS, MD (Hom)
Editor-in-Chief, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal
Former Dean Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur.
Principal Swasthya Kalyan Homoeopathic Medical College & Research Centre, Sitapura, Jaipur
Email address:

                Received: 03/03/2023                                                            Published: 15/03/2023

           © 2023 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

How to cite this article:

Gupta Y, Scientific conduct-Author’s guide, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, 2023; 3 (1): 4-5, available at

Before initiating your writing, a mindset is needed for which journal you are writing for, a mandatory step to make a manuscript in journal’s format.

Author’s should work to recognize whether the journal is predatory or not.[1][2]Author’s should avoid publishing their manuscript in such journals whose criteria is to make money not to publish quality work. You can use journal evaluation tool to self evaluate journal.[3] If you want to get indepth information on how to identify predatory journals and how to avoid them you can refer republished article by Jain NC, Khan G.[4]

Author’s should be familiar with ICMJE Authorship criteria[5] Being an author of your manuscript you must ensure yourself what additions you are going to add to the existing knowledge of that particular topic, or why the reviewer/Editorial Board should review your manuscript, this answer to yourself makes you to have sound knowledge to the particular topic and it becomes very much important while you answer the reviewers questions. You must search out all the available informations for the particular topic.

Author’s must know that peer review process of journal is going to increase his/her knowledge regarding that topic. You need to be very accurate while answering the questions the reviewers asked to you. Be transparent while answering reviewer’s comments. This is not a cumbersome process but it will advance your knowledge and helps to remove lackings of your manuscript. 

Ensure that your manuscript should be plagiarism free.[6] This is basic step after guidelines when majority of manuscripts are sent back to author’s. So, author’s are requested to check similarity index of their manuscript prior to submission. Cite frequently in order to avoid any plagiarism. If it is not your original idea, give credit where credit is due.”[7]

Author’s should refer case report guidelines and scientific tools for further elaborations which will help them to gather all essentials needed for evidenced based case reports.[8]

Prof. Dr.Yogeshwari Gupta



1. Swartz M. Research guides: How to Avoid Predatory Publishers and Conferences: The issue. 2017; Available from:
2. Journals [Internet]. Think. Check. Submit. 2022. Available from:
3. Hannon Library WH, Rele S, Kennedy M, Blas N. Journal EJournal Evaluation Tvaluation Tool ool [Internet]. Available from:
4. Jain NC, Khan GS. Republication-predatory journals: A downside on research and hampering the impact and relevance of scientific outcome. Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2018;12:240-7
5. ICMJE [Internet]. Available from:
6. Ambwani M, Nayak C. Plagiarism- A scientific misconduct. ahr [Internet]. 2022;7(4):38–42. Available from:
7. Hoogenboom BJ, Manske RC. How to write a scientific article. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2012;7(5):512–7.
8. Teut M, van Haselen RA, Rutten L, Lamba CD, Bleul G, Ulbrich-Zürni S. Case reporting in homeopathy-an overview of guidelines and scientific tools. Homeopathy [Internet]. 2022;111(1):2–9. Available from: