KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–3 &
Issue-2, 18 October 2023, Published at,
Pages: 71 to 75 , Title: Homoeopathy
and male reproductive diseases, Authored
By: Dr. Khushboo Gupta (PG Scholar, Department of Organon of Medicine and
Homoeopathic Philosophy, State National Homoeopathic Medical College and
Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.) & Co-Authored By Dr. Itti Mishra (PG Scholar, Department
of Case Taking and Repertory, State National Homoeopathic Medical College and
Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.), Dr. Sapna Nagwar (PG Scholar, Department
of Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy, State National Homoeopathic
Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh,
Title: Homoeopathy and male reproductive diseases
Authored By: Dr. Khushboo Gupta[1] & Co-Authored By: Dr. Itti Mishra[2] & Dr. Sapna Nagwar[3]
[2]PG Scholar, Department of Case Taking and Repertory, State National Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Received: 01/06/2023 Accepted: 13/08/2023 Published: 18/10/2023
© 2023 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal
How to cite this article:
Gupta K, Mishra I, Nagwar S. Homoeopathy
and male reproductive diseases, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, 2023; 3(2):71-75,
available at
The article aims to provide insight into male reproductive diseases and their treatment in homoeopathy. Male reproductive diseases are often left unattended due to the social stigma attached to them. These diseases need to be attended consciously to overcome the problems. Homoeopathy is a holistic system of medicine which makes it the most appropriate and effective mode of intervention. It not only effectively deals with the physical plane of disease but also cures the disease in all the planes i.e. mental, physical, and psychic. Complete case history is taken based on homoeopathic principles and after getting the totality of the case, the individualized medicine is given which is most suitable for the case. Homoeopathic physicians treat male reproductive diseases by diagnosing the underlying causes that lead to the issue. For ages, the revelation of sexual diseases is a great taboo in our society and hence the people suffering from them also feel bashful to accept them. Sometimes the patient comes to a doctor for some other complaints but his sexual/reproductive diseases get revealed or come to light through proper interrogation after making the patient comfortable during the case-taking process. This is the beauty of homeopathic case-taking and the process of individualization. Infertility has emerged to be a big health issue in the present scenario which has rendered many married couples deprived of the happiness of being the parents, so homoeopathic treatment is very efficacious. Since the allopathic system of medicine suggests surgeries for most of the male reproductive diseases which makes the patients fearful and anxious, Homoeopathic mode of treatment is far better as it employs only medicines for all such diseases. Homoeopathy has emerged to be a very effective and gentle mode of treatment that is getting accepted worldwide.
Keywords: Azoospermia, Constitutional medicine, Erectile dysfunction, Homeopathy, Infertility, Male reproductive diseases, Orgasm, Orchitis, Oligospermia, Sexual disorder.
People who suffer from sexual disorders belong to all varieties, sizes, and forms. A sexual problem does not indicate that you are "wrong" in any way. Any stage of the sexual response cycle, at any time in a person's life, for any cause, or no reason at all, can result in this issue. It is like suffering from fever, joint pain, etc. But if untreated, it affects the quality of life of an individual. Sexually transmitted diseases are very dangerous for society because they are highly infectious and remain hidden for a long time due to embarrassment issues. Individuals’ sexual activity is affected as there is no satisfaction. Research suggests that sexual diseases are common, and many people don’t want to talk about them.[1]
Male reproductive system illnesses and disorders include a variety of illnesses, infections, and organ malfunctions. They could range from minor inflammatory conditions to male infertility. The fluctuation of the male sex hormone testosterone is the root cause of many of these conditions in the male reproductive system. Along with this, other risk factors like age, family history, lifestyle, and drug use are linked to such diseases as well.
Male reproductive diseases are classified into the following categories[1,2] :
1. Sexual desire disorder: Caused due to a decrease in the normal production of estrogens and testosterone. Other causes include aging, fatigue, and pregnancy. Some psychological causes such as Anxiety may lead to diseases and disorders of the male reproductive system. It can range from minor inflammation to decreased male fertility. The variation of the male sex hormone testosterone is linked to most male illnesses. This can cause them to lose their desire for sexual activity, which would be upsetting.
2. Sexual arousal problem: Men and women experience impotence and frigidity. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is another name for impotence. An adult male who is sexually active and has erectile dysfunction cannot achieve or maintain an erection. Among males, this issue affects 40% of them. If there is any restriction in the blood supply to these muscles, it can lead to the development of erectile dysfunction in men because they get an erection when there is engorgement of blood in the columns of the spongy muscles of the penis. Erectile dysfunction can also be brought on by low self-esteem and sexual anxiety. Sexual dysfunction can cause both partners to experience psychological anguish. Due to embarrassment among these couples, many such ED cases go unreported.
3. Orgasm disorder: This ailment is characterized by a delay in or absence of orgasm following sexual activity between couples. Both male and female partners may experience it.
4. Oligospermia/Azoospermia: This condition is known as oligospermia if a male has fewer than 20 million sperm per milliliter of sperm. The absence of motile sperm in the semen is known as azoospermia.
5. Male infertility: This refers to a man's failure to conceive despite engaging in frequent, unprotected sexual activity for a year.
6. Epididymis and Testes Infection: This refers to infections that develop in the epididymis and testes when an infection in the urethra spreads to those organs. Infection-causing microorganisms either go through the lymph or vas deferens. The mumps virus, which originates in the parotid gland, has the potential to cause orchitis or testicular infection. Testicular edema is observed after parotid enlargement, and sterility may result if the illness spreads to both sides of the body.
7. Undescended testis (cryptorchidism): The testes are present in the abdominal cavity during the embryonic stage and descend to the scrotal sac at birth. Undescended testes, on the other hand, are a disorder in which the testes do not descend to the scrotal sacs. If this condition is not treated, it can cause infertility and even raise the risk of testicular cancer.
8. Hydrocele: The term "hydrocele" refers to a fluid-filled area in the testicles that causes swelling. The most typical kind of scrotal edema can be either persistent or acutely unpleasant. In the scrotal area, this ailment produces discomfort and suffering.
9. Infection of the prostate gland: Acute prostatitis is a generalized infection of the prostate gland that typically develops after surgery following the removal of a portion of the gland and when the infection from other sections spreads to the prostate gland. In chronic infection, the urethra may get blocked due to gland fibrosis.
10. Benign Prostatic Enlargement: When some nodules develop in the prostate, the prostate gland swells. This swelling may cause an obstruction in the urine's path, which results in urine retention in the bladder. Because of urine retention, the bladder becomes infected, which may spread to other parts of the body and result in additional problems.
Seventy percent of males over the age of 70 have enlarged prostates, which is a condition that most frequently affects older men. Although the exact reason is unknown, it is thought to be related to the acceleration of aging and a decrease in testosterone secretion.
Ashwagandha Q: It is indicated after exposure to syphilis and gonorrhea. For impotency and all kinds of seminal deficiencies, it is a very fast-acting remedy. It has been proven best in the coordination of muscular power with spermatorrhoea and the weakness of nerves and muscles.
Avena Sativa Q: It is indicated when a patient suffers from nervous exhaustion, sexual debility, and the morphine habit. It is a great tonic. This helps in managing epilepsy, post-diphtheritic paralysis, alcoholism, sleeplessness, debility, neurasthenia, opium habit, palpitation, and sexual excess.
Bufo: The patient always searches a solitary place for masturbation, especially after excessive masturbation. In bufo this is very marked that attacks come on only during the night when asleep in epilepsy due to onanism.
Damiana: It aids in the treatment of impotence and sexual debility caused by nervous prostration and spermatorrhea in weak and worn-out individuals.
Dioscorea villosa: The patient suffers from night emissions with weakness of genital organs and relaxation and coldness of organs with offensive sweat from genitals.
Ginseng: Recommended for rheumatic aches that follow repeated emissions. The testicles are under strain, and there is genital organ weakness along with voluptuous tickling at the end of the urethra.
Salix Nigra: It helps to cure nocturnal emissions and excessive sexual desire with erotomania. Well proved in curing spermatorrhoea with lascivious dreams. Ailments after masturbation.
Agnus Castus: Complete impotence; relaxation, flaccidity, the cold sensation felt in the genitalia. prior sexual life that was frequent and intense. difficulties paying attention or remembering.
Argentum Nitricum: Not getting an erection when you start having sexual relations. Both Nervous and creative. Food cravings for salty and sweet things.
Caladium: Complete absence of sexual desire and excitement. Relaxed penis, nocturnal emission. Non-sex-related dreams with nocturnal emissions. He craves tobacco. Sweet sweat attracts the flies.
Causticum: Weakened sexual urges. Loss of libido. Fatigue. Memory loss. Compulsive behaviors. Aversion to sweets. Complaints aggravate in clear, fine weather.
Lycopodium: Penis cold, relaxed. Premature emission. Old men with strong desires and imperfect erections. Lacking self-confidence. History of sexual abuse or excess. Tendency to dyspeptic trouble. The desire for sweet, warm food.
Selenium metallicum: Despite having a desire, one has weak sexual prowess. An infection or fever may be the starting point of any problem. involuntary ejaculation while seated on a stool. sour-tempered following coitus. Fatigue, loss of body hair other than hair on the scalp, Very much forgetful. Desire for tea.
Staphysagria: There is a feeling of being shy or embarrassed which leads to impotency. Emission is followed by backache, weakness, and prostration. Relaxation or atrophy of sexual organs. Persistently thinking of sexual pleasures or sexual matters. Mental effects of onanism and sexual excesses. Victim of abuse in any form. Anger with indignation. Craving for tobacco.
Homeopathic medicine plays an important role in healing these diseases. We already know it is true science as it is proven on human beings and the unique quality of homoeopathic medicines is that it has no side effects.
The conventional system of Medicine uses steroids for most male reproductive diseases such as infertility which has adverse effects on the body and often gives birth to deeper diseases. So rather than curing or relieving the patient such treatments render the condition of the patient even worse and miserable.
As homeopathy is a true healing art it effectively improves all the gross pathological changes (psora, syphilis, sycosis) in male reproductive diseases. Homoeopathy serves as a boon to humanity with its natural medicines not only for reproductive diseases but for all health-related issues. The holistic concept of homoeopathy makes it a safer, more reliable, and complete method of treatment.
1) Cleveland Clinic. Sexual Dysfunction & Disorders [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. 2015. [cited 2023 Jul 31] Available from:
2) Sapkota A. Diseases and disorders of the male reproductive system [Internet]. The BiologyNotes.2022. [cited 2023 Jul 31] Availablefrom:
3) Boericke W. Boericke’s new manual of homoeopathic materia medica with repertory: including Indian drugs, nosodes, uncommon rare remedies, mother tinctures, relationships, sides of the body, drug affinities, & list of abbreviations. third revised and augmented edition based on the ninth edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers; 2021, pg 226, 270, 501, 1049,1050, 1054-1055, 1066