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A case report of chronic sinusitis and its homoeopathic management

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–2 & Issue-2, 18 October 2022, Published at, Pages: 162 to 169, Title: A case report of chronic sinusitis and its homoeopathic management, Authored By: Dr. Rajesh Kasliwal (MD (Hom),  Department of Repertory,Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Shelgoan, Jalna District, Maharasthra. India) & Co-Authored By: (MD Scholar,  Department of Repertory,Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Shelgoan, Jalna District, Maharasthra, India)

Title: A case report of chronic sinusitis and its homoeopathic management


Authored By:- Dr. Rajesh Kasliwal [1] & Co-Authored by:- Dr. S Bhaskar[2]

[1]MD (Hom),  Department of Repertory,Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Shelgoan, Jalna District, Maharasthra. India.

[2]MD Scholar,  Department of Repertory,Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Shelgoan, Jalna District, Maharasthra, India.

Received: 26/05/2022        Accepted: 04/06/2022       Published: 18/10/2022

© 2022 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

How to cite this article:

Kasliwal R, Bhaskar S. A case report of chronic sinusitis and its homoeopathic management. KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, 2022; 2(2):162-169, available at


Sinusitis is the most common problem in nowadays, despite of frequency of disease, diagnosis and treatment often remain empiric.[1] Sinusitis effects 35 million people every year, it is one of the common health problem in USA. More prevalent then heart disease and asthma, and has great impact on quality of life.Sinusitis is defined as pathologically by transient inflammation of the mucosal lining of the paranasal is characterized by nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, facial pain, headache, sneezing, hyposmia, body pains, fever, bad Europe it affect 1-5% every year.[2]

Keywords: Sinusitis, Pain, Headache, Polyp, Sneezing, Smell


Sinusitis is very common disease that involves inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The paranasal sinuses are cavities located above and below the eyes and inside the nose; they are connected with each other and to the nasal normal condition they are filled with air, but when the mucous membranes are inflamed there sinuses become obstructed and accumulate mucous, which leads to an infection that requires treatment.[4]


Classified according to duration.

1. Acute sinusitis: The symptoms are lasting less than 12 weeks and disappear completely. This could be;

Viral or common cold; symptoms of sinusitis that last up to 10-15 days.

Bacterial; the symptoms get worse after 5days or persist for 10 to 15 days.

2. Chronic sinusitis: Symptoms are more than 12 weeks, they do not disappear and may occasionally worsen. The causes are divided into with or without nasal polyps.

Acute sinusitis is frequent and it effect in adults 2 to 5 episodes per year. While school children have 7 to 10 episodes per year.

Chronic sinusitis incidence is with or without polys is estimated that 5 to 15% of total population of Europe and US. The average prevalence in patients aged 20 to 29 years was 2.7% and 50 to 59 years was 6.6%.


Acute bacterial sinusitis and prolonged viral upper respiratory tract infection are closely similar[5]

Common causes are

1. Viral infections.

2. Allergic and non-Allergic rhinitis.

3. Anatomical variations. (Septal deviations, concha bullosa, Nasal polys)

4. Dental infections and Procedures.

5. Respiratory infections.

6. Fungal and Bacterial infections.


1. Facial pain and pressure

2. Blocked nose or runny nose.

3. Cough, and breathing problem

4. Sore throat.

5. Nasal discharge, which is green or yellow.

6. Bad breath

7. Headache, heaviness of head.

8. Loss of smell.

9. Swelling around eyes, nose, cheeks, and fore head.

10. Toothache.

11. Fever, body dull and pains.


1. Frontal sinuses; located above your eyes.

2. Maxillary sinuses; located below your eyes. (This is biggest sinus cavity and common site for infection).

3. Spheroidal sinuses; located behind your eyes.

4. Ethomoidal sinuses; located between your eyes.


A 29 years male patient has come with complaints of severe running nose and headache and heaviness feeling of head on and off, the discharge were watery and light yellow sometimes, but mostly colorless, since 6 years, redness of nose, pain by bending head front side, sneezing were continues up to 20 every day morning, and even slight pressure on nose, and always nasal blockage more on evening, and he is not able to do work in office where air conditioners are present.


He had the same problem before and went for sinus surgery for two time first done 3years back and second time 8 months back, but not relived, finally he came to homeopathy treatment.


He is last child in his family, brother is mentally retarded person, and father was died with CRF two years back , he is working as accountant in private sector. He is staying with mother, brother and two elder sisters, they are not married. Now he is the only earning person in his family and he decide not to get marriage. He was grown up under presser of parents and he do not having more friends and maintaining only one or two persons. He is very secretive, moody but once started talking he talks continuous and repeat the words, and saying something again and again.

Always thinking in negative way, as I am not doing the work because of this problem (sinusitis).due to this problem am postponing all my works and my career also strucked. And always thinking that am not doing new thing and learning, he is better few days and again problem starts. Finally he decided that my problem will not relief I will be like this forever, my problem will not cure. He is fearful person, and always saying that this will happen to me, I’m going to suffer by this disease.

And he further added doctor whenever I think about my situation my heart beats fast and I feel and hear my heart sounds clearly.

On Observation: He cannot see in my eyes, no eye contact, always jumping from one subject to another subject and repeat the words again and again.

Further case taking he revealed extra marital history (who was his colleague) and suffered from syphilis 3 years back and used higher antibiotics and other medicines.

Always worried about his health and take care of his body, do not drink and eat outside food.

Very anxious person always think I will maintain time schedule (punctuality) but he failed.

Drinks more water which is good for health not body requirement, he use lot of water in house compare to others, and during this pandemic he used to clean his hands daily 20 times. Now 5 – 8 times per days.

And lastly he revealed one peculiar symptom that he is having Superstitious power, god talks with me when I pray (in temple areas only) and am seeing that what will happen in future of persons.( most of times that will happen) .

This thing he cannot tell to anybody but feel fear always.

CONSTUTION: lean thin, and tall person, dark complexion. Hair curly at front side of head


Expression: While talking his right hand moves up and downwards frequently

Appetite: Normal

Desires: Spicy food, Tea, Fish, Sweets, & Ice-Cream

Aversion: Curd and banana

Thirst: Thirsty.

Thermal: Ambithermal

Sleep: Disturbed and wakes suddenly

Dreams: Snakes, Temples, Water, especially drowning

Bowel movements: Irregular,

Urine: Clear


After case taking following rubric were selected.

1. Health anxiety

2. Delusion imaginations wrong suffered, has

3. Delusion imagination identity errors of personal

4. Delirium loquacious.

5. Compulsive disorders

6. Discharges watery

7. Pain sinuses

8. Pain headache discharge from nose amel

9. Sneezing morning waking on and after.


Figure-1 Repertorial Sheet

After repertorisation I selected Lachesis medicine. Given Lachesis 200 every day one dose for 3days and asked to come after 15 days.


1st follow up on 16/01/22; Sneezing’s were better, and heaviness and pain in head reduced to 50%. Feeling better and activity, sleep, activity and bowel movements were normal, SL for two weeks.

2nd follow up on 01/02/22; Sneezing almost normal, only two or three per episode , this also on and off, but water discharges was present but anxiety was slightly reduced, given Lachesis 1m weekly one dose and SL for 4weeks.

3rd follows up on 3/3/22; His anxiety was reduced , feeling much better and on observation he was not repeat the subject and talking also reduced, no sneezing & nasal blockage, his activity improved and doing job in air condition chamber now. Given SL for 4 weeks.

4th follow up on 8/4/22; Much better feeling, his dreams were reduced and sleep improved, And further asking he was saying that his confidence level is improved and am completing my work in given time.

5th follow up on 10/05/22; He is happy now and smiling on face, saying that doctor am totally all right. No sneezing, heaviness and headache. On observation his anxiety was reduced much and he is now preparing for govt jobs along with his job, given SL for 8 weeks.

Conclusion; the treatment for sinusitis in modern medicine is limited and short term relief only with some side effects. In homoeopathy we can treat the man not the disease, this case showed that homoeopathy can effectively treats the Sinusitis.


1) Diaz, D. M. Bamberger ,Acute sinusitis.I. Seminars in Respiratory Infections, 10, 1, 3 1995

2) Gliklich RE, et al. "The health impact of chronic sinusitis in patients seeking otolaryngologic care". Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, vol. 113, no. 1, Jul 1995, pp. 104-9.

3) Benninger MS, Sedory Holzer SE, Lau J. Diagnosis and treatment of uncomplicated acute bacterial rhinosinusitis: summary of the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research evidence-based report. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000; 122:1−7. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

4) Sinusitis | Causas, Síntomas, Tratamiento | PortalCLÍNIC [Internet] Available From

5) Chronic Rhinosinusitis, Nasal Polyps - Melbourne ENT Group [Internet] Available From

6) Sinusitis: Symptoms, causes, and treatment [Internet] Available From

7) Sinus Infection (Sinusitis): Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment [Internet] Available From

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