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Homoeopathy in post menopausal bleeding

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KNOW Homoeopathy Journal Vol–3 & Issue-1, 15 March 2023, Published at, Pages: 39 to 42 , Title: Homoeopathy in post menopausal bleeding Authored By: Dr. Ashok Yadav ( Professor and Head of Department, Department of Practice of Medicine, Dr. M.P.K. Homeopathic Medical College, A Constituent College of Homeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.) & Co-Authored By: Dr. Megha Vyas (MD Scholar, Department of Practice of Medicine (Hom.), Dr. M.P.K. Homeopathic Medical College, A Constituent College of Homeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.) & Dr. Khushi Jani (MD Scholar, Department of Practice of Medicine (Hom.), Dr. M.P.K. Homeopathic Medical College, A Constituent College of Homeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.)



Title: Homoeopathy in postmenopausal bleeding

Authored By: Dr. Ashok Yadav [1] & Co-Authored By: Dr. Megha Vyas [2], Dr. Khushi Jani[3]

[1]Professor and Head of Department, Department of Practice of Medicine, Dr. M.P.K. Homeopathic Medical College, A Constituent College of Homeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.


[2]MD Scholar, Department of Practice of Medicine (Hom.), Dr. M.P.K. Homeopathic Medical College, A Constituent College of Homeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.


[3]MD Scholar, Department of Practice of Medicine (Hom.), Dr. M.P.K. Homeopathic Medical College, A Constituent College of Homeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.


Received: 28/12/2022                        Accepted: 13/03/2023                                   Published: 15/03/2023         

  © 2023 KNOW Homoeopathy Journal

How to cite this article:

Yadav A, Vyas M, Jani K. Homoeopathy in post menopausal bleeding, KNOW Homoeopathy Journal, 2023; 3(1):39-42, available at


Postmenopausal bleeding is a common complaint come under both benign and malignant conditions. This article describes the homoeopathic management of postmenopausal bleeding. It also emphasize the role of the homoeopathic remedies in improving the prognosis for patients of postmenopausal bleeding.

Keywords: Post menopausal bleeding, Homoeopathic medicines, Miasmatic approaches.






Menopause is the stoppage of menstruation as a result of reduced ovarian function. It is a period of time when a woman’s hormone levels begin to change & it complete, when menstruation has ceased for one continuous year. The World Health Organization (WHO) has described the menopause as the permanent stoppage of menses resulting from loss of ovarian functions (WHO, 1996).

The term ‘peri-menopause’ defines the period just before the menopause and the first year after menopause. Menopause occurs because the ovaries reduce their function to produce the hormone estrogen; this causes the stoppage of menstruation and ovulation. It signals the end of fertility, although women may become pregnant up to one year following stoppage of periods.[1]


In post menopausal age there is reduction of estrogen hormone resulting in atrophy of the uterine endometrium and vagina. Inside the atrophied uterine endometrial surfaces there is no fluid secretion inside the cavity for preventing friction. Due to this decreased fluid secretion epithelial surface of uterus become eroded and chronic inflammation sets in. This chronic inflammation resulting in slight bleeding. A pelvic ultrasonography would reveal a normal-appearing atrophied postmenopausal uterus, ovaries, and a thin endometrium.[2]


1.   Endometrial - Polyp, hyperplasia, cancer.

2.   Vaginal - Atrophic vaginitis, local trauma from ring/shelf pessary, cancer (rare).

3.   Cervical - Polyp, cancer.

4.   Others - Bleeding disorders, spontaneous ovarian activity thought to play a role where no Cause found.[3]


These are following[4]

1. Painful intercourse

2. Vaginal dryness – During peri menopausal stage the vagina become dry, which causes itching and discomfort, resulting in dyspareunia or pain during sexual intercourse. Females experience dyspareunia due to decreased level of estrogen. Lower level of estrogen causes vaginal atrophy.

3. Hot flashes – It is defined as sudden feeling of burning sensation of the upper extremities. The skin may become red and patchy with much sweating. Because of the hormonal changes the females having complaint of tachycardia and palpitations. It occurs during the begining of menopausal beginning.

4. Disturbed sleep – It become tough for females to sleep during menopausal age due to hormonal imbalance. In some of these post menopausal cases due to perspiration at night causes uneasiness feeling and disturbed sleep. Improper sleep may also occurs because of anxiety.

5. Urinary problems – Urinary cycle may get disturb in women during menopausal age. Females having much tendency to get urinary tract infections (UTIs) such as cystitis at the menopausal age due to disturbed pH. There may be frequent urging of micturition so they have to go toilet again and again.

6. Emotional outburst -  Females may become sad or unhappy and can face erratic moods during menopause. These outbursts are resulting from hormonal changes. These emotional outbursts may associate with discomfort sleep. Females can also face decreased sexual urge because of these emotional outursts.

7. Focus & learning problems – Some females may also face amnesia and inattention or absentmindedness.


Homeopathy is based on natural law of the treatment that is based on individualization of patients and constitutional appeal. The psychosomatic disorders are one of the important causes of menopausal syndrome. Homeopathic system of medicine acts on hormonal imbalance during menopausal age. Homoeopathic system of medicine can become very effective for them who are suffering from functional and emotional outburst stimulated due to menopause. The management for the menopausal symptoms is the individualized approach and constitutional remedy which covers the totality of the symptoms at this phase. Some of the discomforts which are associated with menopause and their medicines are following:

1. Belladonna -  This medicine is indicated in cases of hot flash sensation as it acts on blood. It also relieves excessive perspiration and heaviness of head. The character of bleeding is bright red with clots & i.e. too early, too profuse, warm, gushing, foul odour.[5]

2. Calcarea carb. -  This medicine is indicated in females, who are fair, fatty and flabby. Calcarea carb women experience heavy flooding, night sweats and flushing with increased weight during menopausal age. Calcarea carb is beneficial for women who are duty oriented and become easily tired. There is strong feeling of nervousness and stress which may lead to agitations during menopausal age. All joints become stiff or women face contraction in the lims. Calcarea carb patients having craving for eggs and sweets.[5]

3. Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh) - In sources of homoeopathic medicines there is Cimicifuga racemosa (CR; synonym: Actaea racemosa) which belongs to vegetable kingdom that is mostly useful in Non-hormonal treatment. Its clinical utility in post menopausal symptoms have been assessed in most researches with highly effective results. Cimicifuga Racemosa is an indigenous plant i.e. effective for muscular and joint pain, acute spasmodic pain along nerves, rheumatism, dysmenorrhoea and all female complaints. It is used in Uterine atrophy. There is presence of Hysterical or epileptic spasms at the time of bleeding.[5]

4. Ignatia - It is more effective in sentimental changes starting at the menopausal age. The females become very emotional and wants to be alone. Feeling of soreness in head, muscular contractions, and dysmenorrhoea can happen simultaneously due to hormonal changes. There is a sensation of heaviness in the thoracic region, a tendency to moan and gasping, and weeping or laughter and appearance of contradictory symptoms are strong indications for Ignatia.[5]

5. Lachesis mutus - This medicine is useful for hot flashes from menopause, which are better from perspiration or the initiation of menses. This is also indicated in pain and swelling of left ovary and there may be tendency of prolapse uterus. There is aggravation in the morning and during that time patient can’t stand and become hypersensitive to any tight clothing at the neck or waist. This medicine belongs to animal kingdom which is made by small proportion of surucuccu snake venom mixed with homoeopathic vehicle as mentioned in homoeopathic pharmacy.[5]

6. Lilium tigrinum – This medicine is indicated in woman who feels hurried, anxious, and very emotional during menopausal age due to hormonal changes. Lilium tig female usually has a sensation of congestion in thoracic region, and a sensation of prolapse of genital organs, resulting she has to cross her legs, while sitting. There is aggravation from consolation in Lilium tig female.[5]

7. Murex – There is a sensation as if something was pressing on pelvis which is worse by sitting. There is a peculiar character of pain which is radiating from right side of uterus to right or left breast. Sore pain in uterus. Nymphomania.[5]


1.Dutta D.C. Textbook of Gynecology. Jaypee publisher P Ltd. 7th ed. p. 46

2.Charles R. al. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 6th ed. p. 69

3.Misha, Moore. Rapid Obstetrics and Gynecology. Blackwell Publishers. 2nd  ed p. 91

4. Callahan Tamara, Caughey Aaron. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 6thed. p.273

5.Boericke W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Material Medica and Repertory.  B Jain publishers. p. 113, 146, 204-205, 342-343, 389, 401, 448

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